It"s a Crazy Wonderful Life

This is a blog about my family and the crazy life in the Sims Household. We have 5 children, ranging from 14 to 5, and seem to be going in all different directions sometimes. The purpose of this blog is to help keep our friends and family up to date on what is going on in our lives.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Surgeries are over...

Tiffany and Jacob had their surgeries today. Jake's ear tube surgery went great and the doc thinks this will likely be the last set of tubes he will need. He did have fluid in his ears which they drained before inserting the tubes. Other than a bit of a headache. Jake is doing great and right back to his normal busy self.

Tiffany's tonsilectomy and adenoidectomy went great as well. The doc said it is a good thing they did take out her tonsils as she had pockets of puss on them. This should help her stay more healthy in the future. She is doing well though she has the expected sore throat. I think as long as we stay on top of her pain meds, she will be fine. She was such a trooper and didn't even flinch when they put in her IV.


Whitings said...

Your weekend gettaway looked like a lot of fun! Cabins are one of my favorite vacation spots-especially cabins with fires! I'm sorry to hear you're having body issues-you old woman! J/K And two surgeries in the family, wow. I'm glad Jake and Tiffany are doing well though.

Carlee Hoopes said...

Oh good. I'm glad everything went well! I haven't had my tonsils out, but I hear that it is a dreadful recovery. Better to get it taken care of now, when she's still young, than later I've heard.

Mel Sims said...

Yay, I am so glad everything went well. If you need a break I'd love to tend when we get back in town!

Our Family in Pictures