It"s a Crazy Wonderful Life

This is a blog about my family and the crazy life in the Sims Household. We have 5 children, ranging from 14 to 5, and seem to be going in all different directions sometimes. The purpose of this blog is to help keep our friends and family up to date on what is going on in our lives.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Another New Nephew

I have a new Nephew. My sister had her baby boy a couple of weeks early yesterday. His name is Collin William Clayton. Despite some complications, they are both doing well. You can read her birth story and see some pictures here.

Now the boys in our family out number the girls by more than 3 to 1. Out of 13 grandchildren on my side of our family, there are only 4 girls.

Congrats Jaidi and Justin!!!


Testing said...

Boys are winning on this side of the Pierce family- 5 boys, 4 girls... Beckie could tie it with her #5 in October.

Acacia said...

Michelle: I had no idea you were on Blogger! You've done a great job with your's so YOU! I'll put you on my Google Reader. C'mon by my site for a visit!

P.S. Mike and Pete stopped by the house this morning, and my 4 year old wouldn't go into the room where they were sitting because "Daddy's friends' hair scares me." I guess she's not used to seeing men WITH hair!!

Our Family in Pictures